I See You

You hide in plain sight my friend, but I see you.  I see you in all of your splendor and all of your heartache.  What unspeakable horrors occurred in your young life that has filled you with such paralyzing fear and doubt? Throughout our lives I was dimly aware of the causes of your suffering, the ramifications of your hell on earth ever present and screaming, but I have been unable to rescue you. Oh that I could. I am so proud of your ability to survive dear one. But isn’t time now to thrive?  I heard a friend recently ask you how you have survived to become the person you are. “You are a miracle you know, and you should own the fact that you are a miracle”.  Can you hear that my friend? You survived, you are a miracle!

For as long as I have known you, your mystery continues. I wish more than anything that you could see yourself as I do, and as so many others say they do. Several times you’ve shared that you feel at war within.  Please come home from the war, and finally just be.  Be at peace and find the sweet spot in your life. That place of rest from all that keeps you from who you really are, that keeps you from yourself. You’re safe now you know. You are safe. You have a community now that is leading you to healing, and it’s so good to see your hope worn as a badge of courage. We all want to be seen, and counted, and to know that our lives matter.  You matter to me my friend.  If you could only believe it! What holds you back? Do you even know? Can you simply choose to be grateful today? Can you simply choose a new way of seeing?

I see you. How you see yourself is the question. I have no words of wisdom except I love you, you are loved, and you are the Beloved. This is the way of seeing now, through the window of belovedness, and your vision is becoming clearer.  Let it be enough to heal your wounds, to heal what was done to you and what you have done to yourself. The old recording playing relentlessly in your being is such a lie.  You are good, and caring, and giving. Come home, return home to wholeness and let us enjoy you, who you really are, who you were made to be.  I will be the first to welcome you with arms opened, ready to embrace you.

When you look in the mirror who is it that you see?  One day you will look and see the person I see, the one hiding in plain sight, only this day you will see the beloved and there will be no more hiding. In the mirror I see you, and in the mirror I see me, for we are the same person. I see you because I am beholding myself, the beloved.

I see you.


  • new friend – I want to share one of my favorite poems with you.

    a total stranger one black day
    by E. E. Cummings

    a total stranger one black day
    knocked living the hell out of me–
    who found forgiveness hard because
    my(as it happened)self he was
    -but now that fiend and i are such
    immortal friends the other’s each

    we not only make peace with our reflection, but become our own best friend.

  • Ohhhhhh Precious Kim, I too see YOU and the AWAKENING that has taken place in your beautiful soul. You do seem to be coming to the end of this “war.” You are using all of your experiences in such a positive way now. You have taken in so much pain, but somehow, you are able to manufacture all of that YUCK, and recycle it into the most beautiful gifts to this world. How does that happen? Why does that happen? I pray soon, very soon, you will see what those who know you now have always seen. You will need sunglasses, the light is blinding <3 YOU ARE TRULY THE BELOVED!!

    • Thank you for this Beth. Your words and heart touch me deeply, and I am so grateful to call you friend! I share all of my heart hoping that others will find their way to wholeness and belovedness. Here’s to our journey!

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